From the course: Adopting Agile: Strategies for Successful Implementation

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Collaborating with customers

Collaborating with customers

Customer centricity with an Agile is critical. If you don't have customer centricity, then there's really no reason for you to be doing agile at all. And the reason for that is that when we are developing a product, we're developing it for a reason and we're trying to get somewhere with that product. We're trying to increase the effectiveness of a product or increase the revenue within our business or to make our business more successful. But we're trying to make our customers feel like they have what they need. I think customer centricity exists in all portions of every business because every business inherently understands that if you aren't earning money, then you don't have a business at all. But within Agile, it's very important because of the fact that you're working in increments. So if you work for two weeks and then your customer or your stakeholder or whoever it may be says, Well, we need something different or we need it to be changed a little bit, you can make that…
