From the course: Adopting Agile: Strategies for Successful Implementation

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Failing fast

Failing fast

So one of the things that you'll see on a very regular basis is that people are afraid to make decisions without the okay of their leader. They're very afraid to do something that's going to offend someone or that's going to disappoint someone or that's going to make someone feel like that's not what I was looking for, or that's completely off the line of what I was hoping to see. People feel that deeply, and so leaders can expect to see that within Agile. One of the phrases that we use a very regularly is to fail fast. And the reason that we say that is to create an environment where people feel like I can go and try something new, I can do something new, and I can fail at it, and maybe it won't work, or maybe it's not quite what I want it to be, but I can improve upon it incrementally. I can make it better. I fail fast, but I can figure out what's not working and move forward. And leaders can expect to see a lot of hesitancy from employees and being willing to fail because it's a…
