From the course: Adopting Agile: Strategies for Successful Implementation

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Prioritizing individuals and interactions

Prioritizing individuals and interactions

Making sure everyone is on the same page and that everyone agrees with how to move forward is very important. When you're working in an agile way, you are meeting on a daily basis to talk about the work that you're doing, how you're going to move forward, what you're going to do to succeed together. If you don't have a very clear understanding of what you're trying to do and you're on the same page, it can make for a very uncomfortable and even a contentious work environment. In this lesson, we are going to talk about individuals and interactions. How those relates to the work that we are doing and how those interactions make Agile function properly so that teams can go forward and understand how they're going to implement Agile and why Agile should matter to them. So within Agile there are things called the value streams. So let's say that we have a specific product that we're trying to deliver. In order for us to deliver that product, maybe I need someone from a software developer…
