From the course: Advanced Data Visualizations: 10 Uncommon Plot Types and How to Use Them

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Ternary plots

Ternary plots

- [Instructor] Trivariate data analysis looks at how three variables are related to each other, and it usually involves some kind of statistical model building. Here, data is summarized into a reduced set of parameters. But this can lead to information loss and errors, a state a nuances may not be modeled properly. However, visualization of three variables is difficult. Three-dimensional scatter plots are not true 3D, these are pseudo 3D graphs in two dimensions and require rotation to understand. However, in the unique case where three variables add up to a constant sum, then the data points are actually constrained to a triangulous subset of a higher dimensional plane. An example of this might be voting intentions between three political parties, the chemical composition of compounds, or what determines GDP by country. All these measures might add up to a constant, such as one if they're a fraction or a hundred if there…
