From the course: Advanced Data Visualizations: 10 Uncommon Plot Types and How to Use Them

What you should know

- [Instructor] What should you know for this course? This is not a complicated course, but you should have some basic understanding of how data visualization works. This course is not an introduction to data visualization. Rather, it builds on the foundations of many basic graph types such as histograms, line plots, and scatter plots. You should have some understanding what these kind of plots are used for. You'll also need to have some understanding of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistics. These are important statistical concepts that define different types of graphs. Univariate analysis is all about analyzing a single variable. Bivariate analysis examines how two variables are related. Whilst multi-varied analysis examines how many variables are related. Finally, many of these advanced graphs cannot be created in Excel. They require general purpose statistical software, such as R, Stata, or Python. Even when using these advanced programs, you will often need to download user written functions or commands. They don't exist in the default installations. This course is not a coding course and will not teach you how each graph is created. There are many coding courses available, but in each session I will highlight which functions and commands can create these graphs, so that you have a basic starting point if you want to create these visualizations yourself. The priority of this course is to demonstrate each graph to you. This course has no equations, and the focus is on understanding concepts intuitively and demonstrating this with clear examples.
