From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 2 Lean and Agile Processes

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Lean and agile principles

Lean and agile principles

- [Instructor] In this video, we will discuss lean and agile principles. We'll identify reasons the Toyota Production System is studied today. Identify kanban objects. Describe benefits of using kanban objects. Identify kanban systems. Describe lean principles. Describe agile principles, and compare lean and agile principles. We'll start by looking at the Toyota Production System. Taiichi Ohno worked at Toyota and was one of the architects of the Toyota Production System. In 1978, he wrote a book in Japanese, which was translated to English in 1988. This book describes what is now sometimes called lean thinking or lean management, but Taiichi Ohno just called it Toyota Production System. We will see that many agile principles are similar to lean principles. Here's a very simplified history of Toyota. After World War II, Japanese automakers were well behind us automakers, and they had quite an ambitious goal to…
