From the course: Agile Software Development
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Lean history
From the course: Agile Software Development
Lean history
- Kanban is a visually appealing, simple, and efficient way of processing work items. For a little background and theory before we dig into Kanban concepts, Kanban owes its origin to Lean Manufacturing principles. Toyota used these principles in what they called the Toyota Production System. Toyota began implementing these principles in the '50s. Toyota's approach was aligned with the rate at which their output product, cars, were being consumed. They maintained just enough inventory at a given point in time to execute a smooth flow of work through their assembly line. The approach included producing finished products as efficiently as possible and aligning their production rate with the consumption rate. The execution included identifying and reducing waste as much as possible. Too much inventory of finished products or raw material was considered a waste because the resources to produce and store inventory were being utilized, but the finished product was not available to the…
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