From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Analyze and fix code problems

Analyze and fix code problems

- [Instructor] Android Studio has tools that let you inspect your code, and it will report issues. There are a few different ways to do this, but I'm going to start with the true analysis tool. Now, in my previous video, I made some changes that resulted in leaving behind some problems. One approach to finding those problems is to go to the problems window where I can see that there's an unresolved reference and an unused import directive. But another approach for finding more subtle issues is to go to the menu and choose Analyze, Inspect Code. In this dialogue, you can indicate the scope of the inspection. You can inspect the entire project, just one module, only files that haven't been committed to a GitHub repository, one file at a time, or your own custom scope. I'm going to choose my current app module and click Okay. The amount of time this takes will depend on the size of your project. A very small project like this…
