From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Clone a GitHub repository

Clone a GitHub repository

- [Instructor] Android Studio has tools that let you easily check out or clone a repository. That means you're downloading the repository from the GitHub website and creating a local version of the repo on your development computer. The first step in doing this is to visit the repository on the GitHub website. On each public repository or on private repositories that you own, you'll see this code button. Click it to open the menu and then you'll see this URL. Click this button to copy the URL to the clipboard. Next, go to the Android Studio welcome screen and click the get from VCS button. Paste the URL into place. If this is a private repository, you'll need to have logged into Android Studio with your GitHub account already. But if it's public, you can just download it. Notice that the default location is under Android Studio projects under your home directory. You can change that if you want. Click the clone…
