From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Configure Android Studio

Configure Android Studio

- [Instructor] Android Studio's appearance and behavior can be customized to your liking in many ways. Most of these changes are set through the dialog that's named settings on Windows and Linux and preferences on macOS. On macOS, go to the menu and select Android Studio and preferences, while on windows and Linux, you can go to the file menu and choose settings. Either way, the structure of the dialog is the same. You'll see a menu on the left with categories, appearance and behavior, key map, editor, and so on. Under appearance and behavior, you can change the theme from IntelliJ light to Darcula or to high contrast. I'll switch to Darcula and click apply and everything looks different. And then I'll switch back to IntelliJ light. If you like, you can choose a custom font for the entire IDE, or you can use the default, whatever the IDE selects for your operating system and device. You'll see sections on this screen…
