From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

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Manage development branches with Git

Manage development branches with Git

From the course: Android Studio Essential Training

Manage development branches with Git

- [Instructor] Git allows you to manage multiple branches within a repository. There's a lot to learn about this area of Git, but the basics are this. Whenever you're going to create a new feature or prepare a new release of your software, it's a good idea to create a new branch for that work, test the code there, and then once you're satisfied it's ready for production, you can merge those changes back into your main or master branch. To create a new branch, you can go through a couple of different interfaces. You could go to the menu and choose Git, branches, and you'll see this dialog pop up. You'll see remote branches and your local branches listed here. Or you can go down to the bottom of the screen and click this icon and you'll see basically the same menu. You can click and expand this so you can see a lot of branches if you have them. And importantly, you can create a new branch. Now, I'm going to refactor my…
