From the course: Apple watchOS App Development: Advanced APIs

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Define complications

Define complications

- [Instructor] You've updated info in the dock with a snapshot and a background refresh in your app. You can also update info on the watch face with complications. Complications refer to any watch function not directly related to telling the hour, minute, or second. In mechanical watches, adding extra gear mechanisms to give other information complicated the watchmakers' trade. Apple Watch complications perform two important functions on the watch. They give user information in less than a second and launch their associated app. Some complications, like the Maps app complication, will be an icon that launches the app without supplying further information. Complications also use the time travel feature of the watch. By turning the digital crown on a watch face, you can check an event in the past or in the future, in complications. Each complication has its own timeline, where up to 50 events per day can be stored. There are different families of complications. They often match the name…
