From the course: Applying Cost Optimization Tools to Your AWS Workloads

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Scaling AWS compute resources

Scaling AWS compute resources

- [Instructor] To set up auto scaling of compute resources, we start with the EC2 dashboard. Scrolling down, we can select Auto Scaling and Auto Scaling Groups. We have to create an auto scaling group. The auto scaling group is a group of servers that are added to or removed based on the requirements of the application that is being scaled. Clicking Create Auto Scaling group, we can give it a name, auto scaling group. The next thing we need is the installation process. The launch template will provide the steps that auto scale will follow when it needs to add additional compute. We'll pick autoscale-2, which will launch T2 medium instances as required with a particular AMI image and firewall settings. The network where auto scaling is going to be adding or removing the instances has to be selected. We're going to use the development VPC, and we'll pick the private subnets where the web servers are located. We want our web servers to be functioning behind a load balancer, and we have a…
