From the course: AR for iOS Developers: RealityKit and Reality Composer

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Challenge: A solar system

Challenge: A solar system

(offbeat uplifting music) - [Instructor] Welcome to your first Challenge which is named Our Solar System. Your challenge is going to be to recreate such a 3D simulation or a 3D model of our solar system. This is of course not accurate neither in size of the planets nor in the distances between the planets and the sun, but this list might help you to decide which planet should follow on which in relation to the sun, and there's a little bonus question. Which planet is actually missing? What you will receive for this challenge in your exercise files is a folder containing 3D models of all the planets that you've just seen. And each of these folders contain enough materials to actually build your planets as a USDZ file. Some of them contain more than just a diffuse image, some of them will just contain a diffuse image, so don't worry about that. You can just leave for example roughness or normal out of your list when…
