From the course: AR for iOS Developers: RealityKit and Reality Composer

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Challenge: Solar detect

Challenge: Solar detect

(offbeat uplifting music) - [Instructor] In this Challenge, you're going to use the solar system that you have created during your last Challenge in Reality Composer and make a detection app that can detect an image of a solar system or another detectable image like I have used in this example so that you can actually track the movement off this image and display your 3D content right above it. In this example I just used Reality Composer to illustrate what I mean and in detail your assignment looks like this. First, you have to choose or create a detectable image. This could be a photorealistic image as well. You can experiment with the images and how well they are detected. Then you have to change your solar system Reality Composer project to detect this image and maybe also adjust the sizes so that everything looks nice when you place it in your real environment. And lastly, we can use this project to create an…
