From the course: Audio for Video Editors: Essential Terms

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Understanding decibel

Understanding decibel

- Sound is measured in decibel, a nod to the great inventor, Alexander Graham Bell, dB, decibel. And it often is very confusing, because there's so many different ways to measure decibel. And people just throw dB out. like it's the same no matter what, but dB on recording on set is totally different than a dB when you're sending out dBTPs say, for instance, for a broadcast. At kind of where measuring sound is dBSPL, or Sound Pressure Level, and is often used to calibrate audio rooms, and theaters, and it is actually referring to the pressure, it measures in pascals, the energy that is created by sound in the world, and it actually measures that pressure, and gives you a reading. There's many different ways to measure dB, so, depending on which flavor of decibel that you're using, will depend on how it's measured, and how you should perceive it. So, we've already talked about dBSPL. dBu directly equals Volts, decibel equals point seven seven seven Volt. The math on that gets a little…
