From the course: Audio Mastering Techniques

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Exploring the mastering signal path

Exploring the mastering signal path

From the course: Audio Mastering Techniques

Exploring the mastering signal path

The way the various processors are inserted in the signal path can make a big difference in the sound of the final product. Here are a couple of different possibilities. The Compressor will give you the apparent level and is equally as important as the Limiter to the mastering process. If you want a master like the pros you must use both. Although the Equalizer might change position from after the Compressor to before, the usual signal chain looks like what you see here. An Equalizer placed before the compressor will cause the compressor to act on any frequencies that are boosted first. This might not be the sound you are looking for, and that's why you might want to place the EQ after the Compressor instead. A Limiter is always the last in the signal chain, no matter how many of the devices you add and in which order, because it add any additional level and stops any overs from happening. Some mastering engineers also use a separate side signal path known as a Side Chain. This is…
