From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Add some air to that piano

Add some air to that piano - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Add some air to that piano

- [Instructor] A live grand piano is a wonderful thing but, sometimes it's really hard to capture the sound the sound in the studio especially with other instruments playing at the same time. Here's a great trick to add the air that's missing back into the track. First of all, let's listen to the song, concentrate on the piano, and then we're going to solo it. (rock music) Now, there's two things to concentrate on here. The first is the fact that there are peaks that are happening, wild peaks. So, in other words, there are certain notes that really jump out because they're hit harder and that's what happens when you have a real piano or a guitar or anything that a human is playing as compared to electronic music which usually have kind of the same dynamic range all the time. In this case though, that jumps out of the track and that's something we'll have to control. The other thing is, if you listen you'll hear that it's just a little dull on the top end of the frequency spectrum and…
