From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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De-essing the reverb

De-essing the reverb

- [Instructor] Everyone knows that de-essers are one of the best ways to remove sibilance from a vocal but did you know that it can be an effective tool on a reverb as well? This trick will give you a brand new way to look at a tool that many think is just a one trick pony. So first thing we're going to listen to the track and listen to lead vocal especially the reverb around it. ♪ Don't matter where I am I can see your face ♪ - [Instructor] It sounds like a lot, it's really washed out. Let's listen to it soloed. ♪ No matter where I am I can see your face ♪ - [Instructor] That's not a bad sounding reverb but there is a lot there. We want a tail to it, but it washes out on the vocal phrase so let's look and see what the reverb looks like first of all. This is a deverb I'm using which is one of the native plug ins. As we can see there's a long decay, 4.5 seconds and then 42 millisecond pre-delay which is just about right. There's no EQ on it at all so it sounds pretty good on its own…
