From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Drum phase

Drum phase

- [Instructor] If you have any phase issues with your drum kit, you might not be able to get the fullness from the kit that you want, and probably never make it sound right either. Here's a way to check that phase before it begins to cause problems. So the first thing we're going to do is just take a quick listen to the drum kit. (drums beat) Doesn't sound too bad. We really don't have any EQ going. The only thing we have is a little bit on the kick drum right now. Other than that, it's pretty dry. It's just a straight-ahead drum kit here. The first thing we're going to do is check the phase. And what we're going to do is solo up our overheads. (drums beat) And then we're going to solo just the kick drum first. (drum beats) And now, what we're going to do is come over here to this EQ, and we're going to change the phase. Watch. This switch right here is a phase switch, and we're going to change the phase, and see if we can hear any difference. (drum beats) I don't hear any difference,…
