From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Effecting the effects

Effecting the effects

- [Narrator] Sometimes normal effects can be boring when you hear them or just blend into the track. When they actually start to come to life, they make the mix elements swim, defeating the purpose of adding them in the first place. Here's the secret of many of the top mixers to add a good amount of an effect without it ever getting in the way. So what we're going to do first of all is listen to the lead vocal and I'm going to add a good bit of the Air Reverb. Now the Air Reverb here, it's just the default setting, is mostly I think I added a 26 millisecond pre-delay so it times with the track but the Air Reverb is again a native plugin, it comes with pro tools. So there's nothing special about this at all. Let's have a listen. ♫ Even though you don't say much ♫ I feel like I can tell - [Narrator] Doesn't sound particularly great. Let's listen to the track. ♫ Even though you don't say much ♫ I feel like I can tell ♫ We're just about done ♫ And you've had enough of living - [Narrator]…
