From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Eliminating clicks and pops

Eliminating clicks and pops - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Eliminating clicks and pops

- [Instructor] Sometimes there's a pop or click, or some kind of distortion in the track that's so loud that you just can't let it go by. Here's a way that you can make it a lot less obvious. First of all let's listen to this bass track. It was done with an active precision bass, and there are some notes that he hits so hard, that they distort a little bit. So have a listen. (bass playing) So there's a couple right there. The one in particular that we'd like to get rid of is this: (bass note) So what we'd want to do is zoom in, and we can see there's actually two parts here that don't look right. It's this one up to here, so what we're going to do is zoom in very, very tight, and we can do this two ways. First of all, we can go in here, and what we're going to do is say, I just want this part to decrease in level. So I'll decrease it like this. Now have a listen. (bass playing) Okay, that's a little better, not quite what we wanted yet. So, let's bring it down a lot. Bring it down…
