From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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EMT short room

EMT short room

- [Instructor] The EMT 244 was the simplified version of the famed EMT 250, which was the first digital reverb released way back in 1975 and is still prized for its great sound. A few years later, EMT came out with the model 245, which had a slightly different reverb algorithm and added predelay and first reflection controls. The PSP 2445 plugin is a dead ringer for both of these great-sounding units, and a little tweaking creates a setting for a short, bright room sound that's perfect for snares and electric guitars, but other reverbs have a hard time matching. So first of all, let's look at our PSP 2445. It looks just like the real deal. There's an input control that's not on the real one, and also, we have some other controls that we can tweak the sound as well, and we'll come back to those in a second. We'll use them. But first, listen to the track, listen especially to the guitar. There's no effects on it. It's completely dry. Have a listen. (rock music) There it is, dry as a…
