From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Keyboard life

Keyboard life

- [Instructor] Sometimes a keyboard by itself is just so boring that it sticks out. Here's a cool way of adding some life to it in a very subliminal way. First of all, let's just listen to this string track. It's a mellotron string track and it's in mono, so you'll hear it's kind of dull and kind of lifeless. (light music) (upbeat music) We can make this track sound a little more interesting without having to do a whole lot, but we're going to do something that's very interesting and it's sort of counterintuitive. So, the first thing I'm going to do is add a stereo delay and what I'm going to do is turn the delay down to zero on both sides. Now, you can also do this in a mono delay and pan it to the opposite side of the dry keyboard, but this actually works really well, too. If there's modulation on the delay, and this is the whole key, there has to be modulation, if not, you have to put it on after the fact. So, what we're going to do is add 100% depth. We want somewhere around 13…
