From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Lock the feel of the bass and kick

Lock the feel of the bass and kick - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Lock the feel of the bass and kick

- [Instructor] There's certain types of music where the kick is always out in front of the mix. And it can actually fight with the bass when the balance is right. This trick will keep that kick powerful and make the bass feel a whole lot better, too. Let's listen to the track, concentrate on the bass and the kick drum. (pop music) Now if you were listening closely, you would hear that the base was a little bit out of the pocket especially towards the end, and even with a great player sometimes they're out of the pocket. Let's listen a little bit more closely. We'll just listen to the kick and the bass. (pop music) You can hear on those quarter notes that it was a little out of the pocket. What we could do is go into the track and we can edit it and that's what digital audio work stations are great at. But let's say that you didn't have the time to do that because this was a live concert, and you had to turn it around very quickly. There's a way that we could actually make this work…
