From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Make your vocal shine with a stereo delay

Make your vocal shine with a stereo delay - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Make your vocal shine with a stereo delay

- [Voiceover] Sometimes Reverb doesn't work on a vocal, it just sounds too washed out. And other times you'll find that just a mono delay just sounds like a delay, it makes it sound too effected and the super stereo delay trick spreads things out, gives it kind of an edge without it sounding like there's anything on it. So let's have a listen to this vocal soloed without any effect on it. (Patricia Bahia's "The Bridge You Don't Burn" playing) - [Voiceover] What we're going to do is we're gonna put a different delayed time on each side and in this case, what I've done is I've put an eighth note delay on the left side and I've put an eighth note triplet delay on the right. Now that's kind of the key, we're putting everything in time making sure that there's different times on both sides and everything is timed to the track. In this case it's 74 beats per minute so what I'm doing is I'm timing everything to 74 beats per minute and actually Pro Tools does that quite nicely. All you have…
