From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Massive snare

Massive snare

- [Instructor] Sometimes the definition from a snare can come in surprising ways. Here's a way to misuse a compressor yet get exactly the sound you're looking for. So what we'll do first is play the song. Concentrate on the snare. (slow rock) Sounds pretty good. We can make it sound better though. What we're going to do is something pretty unusual because we're going to take a compressor and use it in a very unusual way. First of all, let's duplicate our snare track. So I'll come down here, we'll say duplicate. Okay, so now we have a snare track and the first thing we're going to do is take a compressor, and again go to our standard procells compressor, and now we're going to treat this fairly harshly. In that first of all we'll get some compression going. (drum beat) Okay, we didn't have to change too much to get kind of what we needed. Now we're going to crank the gain up all the way so it distorts like crazy. (drum beat) Yeah, that sounds nasty. Now right behind that we're going to…
