From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Put some "smack" in your snare

Put some "smack" in your snare - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Put some "smack" in your snare

- [Voiceover] There are times when the snare just doesn't have the punch that you want. Here's a way to make that track "smack" you in the side of the head by using a unique type of plug-in. First of all, let's listen to our track. (electronica music with loud clapping) We are gonna concentrate on the clap track. (loud clapping) Okay, it sounds pretty good, but maybe we can make it sound a bit more dynamic. We could put a compressor on it, but there's a certain type of compressor called a transient designer that we can use, a transient response plug-in. In this case it's the SPL going to use here, a transient designer. Listen to what it does. (loud clapping) (potent, echo-like clapping) (clapping becoming increasingly forceful) (electronica music with intense loud echo-like clapping) Now all of a sudden what we're hearing is a much deeper and longer and more pronounced decay, a much more pronounced release time on that clap track. And as a result it's a lot more dynamic. Only…
