From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Snappy snare

Snappy snare

- [Narrator] Many snare tracks sound dull, but brightening them up just makes them sound unnatural. Here's a way to keep the initial sound, but give it that little extra snap. So, first of all, let's listen to the track. In this case we're going to assume there's only a top snare track, so in other words, only the top of the drum is mic'd, have a listen. (audio track playing) That doesn't sound too bad; as you can see, I added a little bit of EQ, at around 5K for some snap, and then a little bit at about 100 to give it a little bit of body. But, let's say we want some more snap; we want the feeling of having an underneath snare drum mic, so the first thing we'll do is we'll copy our snare drum and... Let's say no to all of this. Now we have two of the same tracks. They sound the same, listen. (drum tracks playing) One sounds brighter, and a little fuller because there's EQ, and the other one doesn't have it, but we are actually going to EQ it, and let's start with that first. What…
