From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Spectral widening

Spectral widening

- [Instructor] Sometimes, we wanna reverb to do more than provide ambience. We want it to give us a wider sense of stereo as well. Every work station comes with some sort of stereo-widening plugin and here's how to use it to achieve just that. So the first thing we'll do is, we'll listen to this vocal, and I'm going to add our old friend the de-verb in, gradually, until we get a nice balance between source signal and reverb. ♪ A special to celebrate your life is here ♪ ♪ A special day that happens only once a year ♪ (bright pop music) ♪ Happy birthday ♪ ♪ You deserve the best today and all year long ♪ ♪ Let's get the party started as we sing this song ♪ ♪ Happy birthday ♪ - [Instructor] Now you can hear, it sounds pretty good, blends in with the track very well. Maybe too well. If we look at what the settings are in the de-verb, we find that it's 22 milliseconds. I don't think it's timed to the track, but it's pretty close and the decay is 2.7 seconds, I'm pretty sure that isn't timed…
