From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Swept midrange guitar trick

Swept midrange guitar trick - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

Swept midrange guitar trick

- [Instructor] Sometimes you need an exceptionally thick guitar sound, but the guitar wasn't recorded that way. Here's a way to find the frequencies that you need to make that guitar thick while still keeping it bright enough to cut through the mix. So first of all, in this particular song, we have three guitars and they all have pretty much the same sound, so what's going to happen, they're going to disappear into the mix and they're not particularly thick either, they're kind of on the thin side, one's thinner than the other two. First of all, have a listen to all of them together. (guitar music) Now if we were to pan all of these exactly the same place, have a listen, because there's no definition between them. (guitar music) The only way that we can get some definition is to pan them in different places. Have a listen and then we'll listen in the track. (guitar music) ♪ How to live ♪ ♪ Every day is a chance, oh ♪ Now let's say we want this particular guitar here to sound thicker…
