From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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That big wide guitar sound

That big wide guitar sound - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

That big wide guitar sound

- [Instructor] There are times when you need to feel the mix out and add some energy and movement to the stereo spectrum. The Wonderful Wide Guitar Trick works great on rock guitars that need a little bit of attention plus you'll find a nice little addition at the end. So the first thing we'll do is we'll listen to this track by itself and you're going to hear just guitar, bass and drums. ("Electrolux" by SNEW) So the first thing we're going to do is add a very, very short delay. So I'm going to come over here to our guitar delay effects track and go to the just standard native delay that comes with Pro Tools. Going to select the short delay, and I'm going to make it fairly short, anything under the 30 milliseconds is good. We'll add the one on the left, we'll make it fairly short, and I'm just going to randomly pick these numbers here and we'll make one 12 milliseconds and the other at 24 milliseconds. Let's have a listen, and what I'm going to do is add ascend here and the ascend is…
