From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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The 1176 British "nuke" setting

The 1176 British "nuke" setting - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

The 1176 British "nuke" setting

- [Voiceover] While the Americans were going for clean, British engineers in the '60s and '70s were going for big and brash. Here's a really aggressive setting for the 1176 that is sometimes called "British mode" by some, and others call it "nuke mode." So first of all, the interesting thing about the 1176, let's take a look at it, is that it has these four ratio buttons, and the Americans back in the '60s never thought about using more than one button, but the Brits did, and in fact there's a setting where if you put all the buttons in, you make this limiter sound just insane. So first of all, let's have a listen to it just bypassed. It works especially well on room mics, so let's try it there. (drum beat) Now in order to get into British mode, what we're going to do is hold the shift key down and just press any ratio button, and there we go. Now have a listen. (drum beat) Now what's happening here is all of a sudden the room ambiance is coming up and it's really, really pumping…
