From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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The awesome double-effect trick

The awesome double-effect trick - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

The awesome double-effect trick

- Sometimes you want an effect on a track, yet we don't want to hear it. Here's a way where a track's double can help produce an effect that does the job. It stays out of the way. The first thing we want to do is have a listen to the vocals. There's lead vocal and there's a double and the double is down a little bit in level from the primary lead vocal. Have a listen. ("Thunderdog" vocal track plays) Now what we heard there was a little bit of room ambiance, but really there's nothing on the track. We don't really hear that in the track, but when we stop the track, we can hear the reverb actually holding over. So we know it's there and it's adding some sheen. It's adding some glue which is what it's supposed to do. Here's what it sounds like if we were to add it on to both vocals. It's going to be on the main vocal and it's going to be on the double as well. Let's just sew it up now. ("Thunderdog" vocal track plays) You can hear there's a lot of reverb there and now it sounds a little…
