From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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The big pad reverb trick

The big pad reverb trick - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

The big pad reverb trick

- [Instructor] It's really easy to bay the big pad in too much much reverb and have it wash out. Here's a trick that keeps the pad nice and big, while keeping the reverb under control. This example has some real strings, which is kind of cool, and strings almost always play a pad part. Now you can hear what happens when we add what's natural, which is usually a really big reverb. First of all, listen to it by itself. (string music) Now, just by itself, with the room ambiance, you can tell it's not enough. Now, if it was recorded in a big room in a hall, then maybe that actually would've sounded really good, and we could've left it as is. But, usually, we have to even a little bit of ambiance, even to something like that, to make it sound interesting. In this case, we're going to send it to this lexicon hall here, and I want you to take notice about two things. First of all, there's a whole lot of predelay on this. What you'll find is sometimes predelay will make it sound a whole lot…
