From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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The biggest sound from the shortest delay

The biggest sound from the shortest delay - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

The biggest sound from the shortest delay

- [Instructor] Often times effects just aren't called for on a certain track, but we still need it to sound bigger. A delay less than 40 milliseconds is so close to the original source, that we don't distinguish it as a repeat, and that's called the Haas Effect. Here's how we can use the Haas Effect to make just about any mix element much larger than life. So, first of all listen to the song with no effects whatsoever. ♫ This ain't no luau it's a motorway ♫ Some kind of landfill with a prostrate - [Instructor] Now, really what we want is something on the vocal here first. So, we're going to work on that. Here's what it sounds like solo. ♫ This ain't no luau it's a motorway - [Instructor] Now what we're going to do is add the Haas Effect, and the Haas Effect is anything less than 40 milliseconds. So, right now we have two 16th notes, and I'm just going to randomly pick a couple of very very short delays, I'm going to say 10 milliseconds on the left side, and 15 on the right. Now, these…
