From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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The secret to gated drums

The secret to gated drums - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

The secret to gated drums

- [Instructor] Great mixers know that so much of the sound of a kit comes from the leak as we tune the drum tracks. Here's the secret to control that leakage, it's super simple, yet very effective. So, first of all, let's listen to our drum track, and listen for the tom fill as it come, pretty much towards the end here at about bar five or six. (drum track plays) Okay, that doesn't sound too bad, but we can tighten it up by using some gates here. So what we're going to do is we'll listen to the toms just by themselves. (drum track plays) That's a lot of leakage there. It actually sounds pretty good, because there are really good mics, and a really good signal path. Nonetheless, we want to control this a little more. So what we're going to do is add a gate. So come over here, and we add our expander gate, and we're only going to listen to the one track that we're working on, and we're going to set this not so it cuts off completely, but so it cuts off just a little bit. Listen what…
