From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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The Van Halen guitar sound trick

The Van Halen guitar sound trick - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

The Van Halen guitar sound trick

- [Voiceover] Early Van Halen records featured a very distinctive sound that unfortunately isn't used as much on their later albums. This trick works great for power trios, when there's only a single guitar that's not doubled or sweetened. So first, let's listen to this just by itself, guitar, bass and drums. (rock music plays) - Eddie Van Halen had a very, very distinct guitar sound in those first three, four albums. And it was accomplished mostly by using a very long delayed reverb. So what we're going to do is recreate that. So the first thing we'll do is let's insert an old friend, once again our deverb. I keep on using that because it's a native reverb in Pro Tools and it sounds really good. And we'll just set this to a plate. And usually what we want is somewhere around two seconds here. First of all, we're going to put a pre-delay at a 114 milliseconds. 114 milliseconds happens to timeout to be a 16th note delay for this particular song. The song is at 129 bpm. And once again…
