From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Applying effects (Waveform Editor)

Applying effects (Waveform Editor) - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Applying effects (Waveform Editor)

- The big difference between working in the Waveform and Multitrack editors is that the Waveform is a destructive process, that will permanently change your file. Whereas Multitrack is a non-destructive process, that we can continually tweak, even after we've closed the session. And this is certainly the case when applying Effects but there are some different ways to add Effects in the Waveform editor that can give you a bit more flexibility. Generally, I prefer to work with most Effects in the Multitrack editor but there are times when making changes in the Waveform editor can be more beneficial and in some cases unavoidable. The first and most obvious way to add an Effect is through the Effects menu. So I'll go up to my Effects menu, up the top here and we have all these subcategories of Effects and if I wanted to add any of these Effects, I'll just go into the subcategory and select the Effect I want. It's worth noting as well, if you find any Effect with the word process in…
