From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Essential Sound adjustments for ambience

Essential Sound adjustments for ambience - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Essential Sound adjustments for ambience

- [Instructor] The final tab in the essential sound panel is for ambience and this means any kind of background sound or room tone for a scene. I have my ambience track down the bottom here and as you can probably tell, it's a good idea to lay out your tracks like this, with clips grouped by mix type. And I've already assigned these clips as ambience. I might just zoom in on this one here and drag the header down so I can see it a bit clearer. And you can see we get this icon here when something is assigned as ambience. I think it's like a leaf blowing in the wind maybe. To work on this clip, I'm going to select it and I'm presented with the options for ambience over here in the essential sound panel. If you've worked on any of the other mix types, you're probably familiar with a lot of these settings. We have the loudness setting here. If I click the Auto Match button this will mix everything to -30 LUFS, keeping in mind that the same button in the dialogue settings will mix that…
