From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Essential Sound adjustments for music

Essential Sound adjustments for music - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Essential Sound adjustments for music

- [Announcer] This movie will look at using the Essentials Sound Panel to help you mix the music in your session. And I can see all the clips that I've assigned as music because it has this musical note at the bottom of the clip. And for this particular exercise I'm just going focus on the second clip over here, so I'll select it. And once I drew that I'm presented with the options for mixing the music in the Essentials Sound Panel. And probably the first thing you'll notice is that there are a lot less settings for music than for dialogue. And I guess this makes sense since music is usually already been mixed by the time you're with it. If I go up to loudness section at the top we have an Auto-Match button just like we did with the dialogue setting. Except if click this, you'll notice that it mixes everything to -25 LUFS. Where as for dialogue it was mixing everything to -23 LUFS. So the music is a little quieter in the mix. And if you have added any clip or track key frames to your…
