From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Exporting a sequence from Premiere

Exporting a sequence from Premiere - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Exporting a sequence from Premiere

- In this video, we'll look at exporting your sequence from Premiere Pro. This method will create trimmed copies of all the media we are using on the timeline and link to these in Audition. Now, I have my project open here in Premiere and this is the sequence I want to send to Audition. If you've opened the exercise file for this and you're being prompted to relink media, I recommend on watching the video on relinking exercise files in the introduction chapter. Before I do anything, I need to make sure that the sequence is active by selecting it. And now I can see this blue outline around it. And then, I will go to my Edit menu, down to Edit in Adobe Audition and I want to select Sequence, and this opens up the Edit in Adobe Audition dialogue box. This path at the very top here is where the trimmed copies of our media as well as the new Audition session file will be saved. So, I am going to set this to the working folder in our 01_Audition folder. And half way in the dialogue box, we…
