From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Importing video files

Importing video files

- [Narrator] Although Audition can only edit audio files, there will be times when we'll also need to import video files. We can't edit video but we may need to use it as a reference while we're editing it's sync sound. Now the way to open a video file is exactly the same as audio. I'm just going to go over to my Files panel here and click the Open File button. And if I go to the bottom of the dialog box here and just toggle this Options button you'll see it gives us this list of all the different file types that Audition supports. So there are some pretty common ones here. So we've got AIF and we've got MP3 Audio but if you look a bit closer at this list you'll notice there are video formats in here as well. So we have MPEG Movie, and we have QuickTime Move and we even have RED R3D Raw Files. So for this example, I'm just going to navigate to my Exercise Files folder and I'll open up the O3 media folder in there as well. And I'm just going to go all the way down to the bottom of this…
