From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Removing a specific sound

Removing a specific sound - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Removing a specific sound

- [Instructor] The sound remover effect will actually learn a sound you don't want in your recording like sirens or a phone ringing and then remove it throughout the entire file. So I have this interview here and even though we asked everyone to turn off their phones, we forgot to unplug the landline. Let's have a listen. - [Man In Recording] And you get that emotional bond with people, and you really (phone rings in background) see this stuff first hand, that's when that lesson gets rooted very deeply in your DNA. - [Instructor] Okay so that's very frustrating, and now I need to tell Audition that the sound of this phone is the thing I don't want. So before I get started I am going to switch over to my spectral frequency display by clicking this button here. And now I can very clearly see where that phone is ringing in my file. I've still got my wave form graph at the top, but I don't actually need it, so I'm just going to click and drag this gray bar at the top and I just want to…
