From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Removing background noise

Removing background noise - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Removing background noise

- [Instructor] The DeNoise plug-in is a very simple but effective way to reduce noise in your recordings. It's both adaptive and doesn't require a sample of the background noise you're trying to remove, which means it will intelligently detect background noise and remove it throughout the recording. You can add this effect using either the multi-track editor, or the wave form editor. And, I'm just using the wave form editor in this case, so I can show you where the noise is in this recording, which I'll do just by switching to our Spectral Frequency display up the top here. Let's have a listen to how this sounds. - [Video Narrator] One of the things that we also do, is we're asking executives to make a commitment to... - [Instructor] Okay, you can see these brighter spots around here are where the person is talking. And, if I go to the very start and just zoom in here, it's this consistent gradient from yellow down to purple here, which is the noise that we're trying to remove. And, I…
