From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Setting up your input device

Setting up your input device - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Setting up your input device

- [Instructor] Before we start recording with Audition, it's worth taking a moment to check the hardware settings in our preferences. Now, I'm on a Mac, so to get to my hardware settings, I'm going to go up to my Adobe Audition CC menu, and choose Preferences, Audio Hardware. But if you're on Windows, you'll need to go to Edit, Preferences, Audio Hardware. On both platforms, the preferences should look the same, except for a few small differences. It's also worth mentioning that your sound card is most likely different to mine, so not all settings will be exactly the same. At the very top under Device Class, I have CoreAudio, which is what the Mac operating system uses to handle audio for applications. And that's my only option to choose from. If you're on a PC, you might have different options, like MME, ASIO, or WASAPI, which are all different ways Windows talks to your sound devices. Either ASIO or WASAPI are good choices, but again this is all dependent on what sound card you're…
