From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Stretching clips

Stretching clips

- [Male Speaker] Something that I find myself doing a lot, especially in broadcast, is re-timing or stretching clips to make them fit better especially for things like voiceovers and music. And with this session that I have here the problem that I have is at the very end where my music is actually going longer than my video. So it's actually over-shooting the point where I need it to end. Before I can re-time this clip, I need to go up to the top of my session and turn on this button here, the Toggle Global Clip Stretching. When I turn this on, you'll notice that all of my clips now have white triangles at the head and tail of them. And when I hover my mouse over one of these triangles, I get this timer icon. And with that, I can click and drag the handle of the clip to re-time it. I'm not trimming the clip, I'm actually re-timing the content inside of it. Now before I re-time this music here, I'd just like to listen to how it sounds. So I'm going to turn on the solo button and I'll…
