From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Understanding sample rate

Understanding sample rate - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Understanding sample rate

- [Instructor] When we capture audio digitally, we're not actually recording every single moment of the sound. Instead, we capture snapshots at set intervals, and these are called the sample rate. To show you what I mean, I'll open up this Amplitude file here. And I'm just going to zoom in on this sound here by moving my mouse over it and scrolling my mouse wheel. And as you can see, we start to see the waves of the sound, but as we get even closer, we can see that there are little dots making up those waves. Each of these dots indicates one sample. The sample rate is measured in hertz, and we have some standard rates like for CDs if anybody still listens to CDs. It's 44,100 hertz. And video, which is usually 48,000 hertz or 48 kilohertz. The sample rate is especially important for higher frequencies because they have more cycles per second and you need to make sure the speed at which you're sampling these sounds can accurately capture those cycles. The general rule is that your…
