From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Understanding the Mixer panel

Understanding the Mixer panel - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Understanding the Mixer panel

- When you get to the mixing stage of your audio project and you have a lot of tracks like I do, it helps to work in the dedicated mixer panel which you can get to by going to the top of your editor window and clicking the Mixer tab. This view has been designed to look like an actual audio mixer and it may look a little overwhelming at first but it's basically the same controls from our multi-track editor only now they're arranged from left to right rather than top to bottom. And as you can see, here are all my tracks and here are the corresponding track names. The idea is at this stage we finished editing the audio in all our tracks and we just want to focus on adjusting the levels and how these tracks have been combined in the mix. That's why we can't see any clips because our screen real estate is being used to show more tracks and other controls instead. That's why it's a good idea when working in this view to have very clear track names so you know what track you're working on…
