From the course: Audition Essential Training

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Using the spectral frequency display

Using the spectral frequency display - Audition Tutorial

From the course: Audition Essential Training

Using the spectral frequency display

- [Instructor] Most people are probably used to working with sound using the Waveform graph. But there is another way to view our audio files and that's the Spectral Frequency Display. Where as the Waveform will only show you amplitude, the Spectral Frequency Display, lets you view both frequency and amplitude at the same time. This can be really handy for identifying the frequency of a specific sound or visualizing background noise in your audio file. So I have this file open and all I can tell at the moment is how loud it is. But, if I go up the top here, and click this button to Show Spectral Frequency Display, now I can see the frequency of the sound as well. And rather than having the amplitude measured on the y-axis here, I now have frequency measured in hertz with the lower frequencies down the bottom and higher frequencies at the top. Brighter colors indicate a louder frequency. So, just looking at this black region at the top here, I can see none of these frequencies occur in…
